State House Coverage

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Title Post date Publishedsort descending Production Date
S.113 Prohibition of Plastic Carryout Bags, Expanded Polystyrene, & Single-use Plastic Straws 3/1/19 03/08/2019 - 8:16am Yes 03/01/2019
H.107 Paid Family and Medical Leave 1/15/20 01/17/2020 - 12:00pm Yes 01/15/2020
House Committee on Health Care - COVID19, H.742 Medical Training Grant 3/13/20 03/16/2020 - 12:10pm Yes 03/13/2020
S.219 Racial Bias and Excessive Use of Force by Law Enforcement 6/18/2020 07/16/2020 - 10:22am Yes 06/18/2020
S.124 Governmental Structures Protecting the Public Health, Safety and Welfare 9/10/2020 10/12/2020 - 1:12pm Yes 09/10/2020
S.16 Creation of the School Discipline Advisory Council 1/27/2021 02/05/2021 - 11:38am Yes 01/27/2021
S.25 Miscellaneous Cannabis Regulation Procedures Part 2 2/25/2021 03/11/2021 - 1:18pm Yes 02/25/2021
S.18 Limiting Earned Good Time Sentence Reductions for Certain Crimes Part 1 4/1/2021 04/06/2021 - 11:41am Yes 04/01/2021
H.430 Dr. Dynasaur Regardless of Immigration Status, S.120 Joint Legislative Health Care Affordability Study Committee 4/23/2021 05/04/2021 - 1:21pm Yes 04/23/2021
Pupil Weighting Study 1/6/2022 01/19/2022 - 12:59pm Yes 01/06/2022
S.226 Expanding Access to Safe and Affordable Housing 2/9/2022 03/02/2022 - 2:32pm Yes 02/09/2022
S.254 Recovering Damages for Article 11 Violations & Report on Qualified Immunity Pt 2 3/31/2022 04/29/2022 - 4:08pm Yes 03/31/2022
Budget Adjustment Act: Committee Discussion 1/10/2024 01/18/2024 - 7:07pm Yes 01/10/2024
S.49 Regulation of Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Drinking and Surface Waters 2/22/19 02/25/2019 - 10:42am Yes 02/22/2019
H.773 - Opioid Treatment Programs in State Correctional Facilities 2/8/18 02/09/2018 - 12:00pm Yes 02/08/2018
S.338 Justice Reinvestment 6/2/2020 06/17/2020 - 11:49am Yes 06/02/2020
S.124 Miscellaneous Law Enforcement Amendments 8/28/2020 09/16/2020 - 1:07pm Yes 08/28/2020
Agency of Education Update 1/13/2021 01/20/2021 - 5:41pm Yes 01/14/2021
S.18 Limiting Earned Good Time Sentence Reductions for Offenders Convicted of Certain Crimes 2/10/2021 02/24/2021 - 11:03am Yes 02/10/2021
H.183 Sexual Violence Part 2 3/16/2021 03/23/2021 - 12:56pm Yes 03/16/2021
Justice System Revisions Part 1 4/14/2021 04/21/2021 - 12:54pm Yes 04/14/2021
S.15, H.449, H.177 5/11/2021 05/20/2021 - 2:51pm Yes 05/11/2021
Omnibus Housing Bill Part 1 1/20/2022 02/09/2022 - 6:40pm Yes 01/20/2022
S.285 Expanding the Blueprint for Health and Access to Home- and Community-Based Services 3/9/2022 04/04/2022 - 7:59pm Yes 03/09/2022
School Safety, McClure Foundation, Property Taxes, Community Schools Report, S.34 Kindergarten Enrollment Age 2/7/2023 03/07/2023 - 9:54am Yes 02/07/2023

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