Press Conferences

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Shows In This Series

Title Production Datesort ascending
Federal Tax Cuts & Jobs Act S.221 Extreme Risk Protection 3/1/18 Thu, 03/01/2018
Proposed Prison Construction Alternatives 3/1/18 Thu, 03/01/2018
H.746 Ban Fossil Fuel Infrastructure 2/27/18 Tue, 02/27/2018
S.40 Increase Minimum Wage 2/27/18 Tue, 02/27/2018
Press Conference -  Gun Safety
Gun Safety Thu, 02/22/2018
Vermont's Recreation Economy 1/18/18 Thu, 01/18/2018
Opioid Coordination Council Report 1/11/18 Thu, 01/11/2018
Criminal Justice Reform 1/10/18 Wed, 01/10/2018
Cannabis Reform - 1/9/18 Tue, 01/09/2018
Marijuana Legalization 1/4/2018 Thu, 01/04/2018
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Shows In This Series